
DO the Corners ▲角 unplugged首演

Sat, 11 Aug 2018 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 11 Aug 2018 21:00:00 GMT+08


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    What is a good music concert required?A huge stage?A perfect music effect?An expensive equipment?A fancy costume?

    DO ART SPACE believes that the most important elements are: MUSIC/MUSICIAN!

    所以,我们决定联合一群很棒的音乐人,开启一系列“无舞台” Unplugged演出。

    So,we decided to unite a group of fantastic musicians,and started real "Face to Face" Unplugged concert.


    In this exaggerate epic, let's remove the unnecessary decoration and come back to the music itself. A group of people, couple beers, no bull shit, find a corner that totally belongs to us! 

    Let's DO the Corner together!

    DO the Corner系列演出第一场

    DO the Corner serial concert first concert

     时 间 

    11th August 8/11 19:00-21:00

     票 务 

    预售票:80RMB(包含一份饮品) / 现场票:100RMB

    PRESALE:80RMB(Include one drink) / ON THE DOOR:100RMB

    Let's create our own unique Listening

     出 演 

     Banana Monkey 香蕉猴子 

    出于对上世纪五十年代美国Rockability和Blues等根源摇滚,甚至是有如Iggy Pop等朋克先驱的喜爱,受到The Strokes和Jet乐队乐风之影响,上海车库摇滚乐队香蕉瘊子就这么诞生了。2008 - 2018十年间,历经育音堂、Logo、MAO live house等场景变换,以及伙伴的离开。然而,新伙伴和新念头始终不愿意放过猴子们。短暂停歇之后猴子们又回来了!

    Effected by 50s American Rock styles, such as Rockability and Blues, Punck ideal like Iggy Pop, The Strokes and Jet, a Shanghai garage band Banana Monkey has borned. From Yuyintang to Logo bar then Mao live house. Farewell  to former band members. Cheer up, say hello to new folks and the poppping up never stop new ideas. All hail to my RETRO people, from banana monkeys with love.

     Qiu Niu 囚牛乐队 


    In ancient Chinese myth, Qiu Niu is dragon's first son, who obsessed with music. The members of the band consider themself as Qiu Niu. They try to combine music from different nations and cultures. They want to make their music unique and creative. They want to bring peace and diversity to the world.

     Lu Chen 陆晨 

    上海音乐人,前 “顶楼的马戏团” 乐队主唱,现为独立民谣歌手。曾发行专辑有:

    Shanghai musican, formal lead singer of "顶楼的马戏团". Now he is active as an independent Folk musican. He has released many albums: .顶楼的马戏团《EP》,《最低级的小市民趣味》,《蒂米重访零陵路93号》,《上海经典摇滚金曲13首》,《谈钞票伤感情,谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情》,《做作得很自然》,《阿乌乱弹情》,《金刚钻》,《狒佛》

    Zuo Mingliang City Folk Band 左明良城市民谣乐队

    左明良城市民谣乐队是上海原创独立乐队,由主唱左明良、打击乐小打小沈老师、打击乐手图图和吉他手徐金晟组成。自2015年年底成立。乐队风格:城市民谣、独立音乐。乐队主打原创独立音乐,其中《四个壹的旅程》中搭配了手碟,展现了自然的音乐特点。乐队演出履历:上海理想城市音乐节、阿彦与他的朋友们公益节目、Mao live、向南谣等。

    Zuo Mingliang City Folk Band is a SH independent brand. It grouped since 2015 by lead singer Zuo Mingliang, drummer Xiao Shen and Xu Jinsheng.  Their music style is city folk music.

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